Law seminar: F1/J1 visa regulations, working and immigration law in US

Thursday, 9/18/2014, 5-6:30 PM | Moffitt Library 103 | Refreshments provided

Attorney Justin Fok, a renowned professional attorney from the Law Office of Jean D. Chen, is invited by CGPSA to give a seminar talk on

(1) What international students should do or should not do under F-1 visa status;

(2) CPT/OPT working permit under F-1 visa status;

(3) Strategies of H-1B working visa application;

(4) How to keep status and apply for green card under J-1 visa status;

(5) Green card application for Master degree and PHD students (EB-1 and EB-2).


Q&A session follows.

If you may attend this seminar, please sign up at

If you have other questions, please contact


Chinese Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars Association




About speaker Attorney Fok

Attorney Fok earned his J.D. degree from the University of San Francisco School of Law and is a member of the California State Bar.

Mr. Fok has vast experience in NIW and EB-1 based green card petitions. Utilizing a state of the art research-based approach to these petitions, Attorney Fok has been highly successful in procuring green card approvals for these cases with very short USCIS processing times. By conducting extensive research into the petitioner’s field of specialty, Attorney Fok is able to clearly demonstrate to the adjudicating officer what sets the petitioner apart from others in his or her field.

Attorney Fok has also been highly successful in acquiring legal permanent resident status or citizenship for applicants stuck in the FBI Name Check. He has successfully represented numerous clients in federal court and is a member in good standing of the many Federal District Courts.


A Professional Corporation







为了解答以上问题,更好地服务在伯克利求学的中国学生学者,伯克利中国研究生博士后学者联合会专门邀请了陈丹虹律师事务所(的Attorney Justin Fok律师为大家提供法律知识讲座。Fok将从专业律师的角度,为大家生动讲解留学生学者在美期间关于签证状态规则、工作和绿卡申请等方面的法律问题。讲座后半部分是专门的问答互动环节。主讲内容:






时间:9/18/2014, 5-6:30 PM

地点:Moffitt Library 103









陈丹虹律师事务所三间分所位于加州旧金山、硅谷和中国北京。客户遍及美国各州,加拿大及亚洲各国。事务所专精各类签证、移民、商业,以及信托,多位中美资深律师,拥有加州、纽约、首都华盛顿特区和中国律师执照;16个联邦法庭出庭执照;一些经典案件被已联邦法庭引用,并被WIKI 百科全书收录;10年以上美国移民律师协会会员。事务所成功办理过超的案件近万宗。




1. Justin G. Fok(事务所合伙人,主管律师)

Justin Fok 律师毕业于University of San Francisco School of Law,是美国多个州注册律师。同时Justin Fok 律师还获得了加州及其它多个州的联邦法庭认证,可以在多个地区联邦法庭代表客户出庭。

Justin Fok 律师的主要擅长领域是国家利益豁免(NIW),杰出人才绿卡和移民诉讼案件。Justin Fok 律师拥有丰富的国家利益豁免(NIW)和杰出人才绿卡申请经验。针对每一位申请人的不同情况,Justin Fok 律师通过具体分析申请人的专业背景和经验,总结归纳出申请人在相应领域的突出贡献和独特能力,并在申请中充分加以展现。丰富的申请经验和对相关法律的透彻 理解是Justin Fok 律师办理该类案件高成功率的保证。

Justin Fok 律师另外一个专长是移民诉讼。近年随着911之后美国加强对移民申请人的犯罪记录核查,有一些绿卡和公民入籍的申请人FBI犯罪记录调查拖延的时间较久, 往往会出现2年,甚至5年的等待。该类情况可以通过向联邦法院递交诉讼,加快移民局审理速度。Justin Fok律师已经成功经办了几十例该类案件,并一直走在该领域的前沿。

 2. Helen Hao (公共关系部主管)

 Helen Hao,美国英文硕士学位。陈丹虹律师事务所对外新闻与公共关系主管。主要负责对外交流与各大知名媒体新闻宣传工作,一直与KTSF26星岛中文电视台、星岛中文电台、世界日报、星岛日报、侨报、新浪网、文学城、中国搜狐,以及中国百度等各大知名媒体保持良好合作关系。

CGPSA Recruitment Event

Dear all colleagues in Berkeley,

Thanks for your continuous support and interest in Berkeley Chinese Postdoctoral and Scholar Association (CGPSA). Our work together in the past years brought progress on many fronts. Now, CGPSA is the most populous association involving the largest amount of graduate students, postdoctorals and scholars in Berkeley area. We are uniting people, program and resources, together with the support of graduate division. We regularly organize academic, culture, sports and social events, aim at promoting the intellectual, cultural and social communication among all Chinese members.

We hope you could support our goals and help us increase awareness about the importance of solidarity and friendship, as well as building own eager enthusiasm and strong leadership skills, so all of our members can succeed in career and in life.

At the beginning of the new semester, we would like to highlight our coming recruitment event:

Date and Time: Sep. 29th, 2014, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM

Location: TBD (will be announced soon)

Refreshment and desserts will be provided.

Please sign up for the attendance by clicking the following link:

Berkeley is a wonderful place to be and CGPSA is a brilliant group to join. It is great honor of us to have many talented and dedicated committee in the past, present and future. Thanks to your commitment to excellence, the future of our association must be bright. Working together, we can raise the achievement to even higher levels. Go Bears, Go CGPSA!!


Please subscribe to our mailing list at

Also, welcome to join our Facebook group: Berkeley Sunshine


Thanks again and see you on Thursday.



CGPSA Committee 2014

Sep. 9th, 2014