

CGPSA (Chinese Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars Association)

Founded in 2011, CGPSA (Chinese Graduate and Postdoctoral Scholars Association) at UC Berkeley, also known as Berkeley Sunshine, is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious graduate student organization, registered at Graduate Assembly of UC Berkeley and the Education Office of Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in San Francisco.

CGPSA’s mission

To unify and serve the Chinese graduate students and scholars community at Berkeley area and beyond through establishing a leadership and platform for academic and culture communication, career development and social and entertainment activities.

CGPSA’s values

Here, find a better you, and create a better world. CGPSA encourages and helps every member to show their talents, create value for themselves and contribute to the community and the world.

伯克利中国研究生博士后学者联合会(CGPSA,又名Berkeley Sunshine)创建于2011年,是由在伯克利的中国研究生博士后和学者自发组织的非盈利学生团体,旨在促进伯克利中国学生学者间的学术交流、职业发展,以及丰富成员的文体娱乐生活(详情见Club版面)。
